StockList - medium-term investment recommendations
The StockList comprises investment instruments from the Czech Republic, USA and Germany that Fio banka analysts have selected as suitable investment tips for mid-term trading. Every selected title receives a recommendation from analysts (buy, accumulate, hold, reduce or sell) and each has a defined target price. This price should be reached within a period of one year (unless otherwise stated) from the information concerning the investment instrument displayed on the StockList. If the target price is not reached for the investment instrument, as indicated by the "target price" icon, within the following 12 months, the title remains on the StockList and the target price remains for the next year. Analysis is provided for every investment instrument on the StockList, which includes fundamental financial information as well as analysis of strengths and weaknesses, risks and opportunities. The manner used to determine the target price is also shown.
The StockList is continuously updated to include news related to the given investment instruments. A graph showing the development of the value of the investment instrument including the current price on the stock market is also available.
Buy - the market price provides room for growth of more than 15% in relation to the defined target price.
Accumulate - the market price provides room for growth of 5 to 15% in relation to the defined target price and market fluctuations are a good opportunity to enter into a position.
Hold - the market price provides room for growth of anywhere from +5% to -5% from the defined target price.
Reduce - the market price provides room for a drop of 5 to 15% in relation to the defined target price and market fluctuations are a good opportunity to enter into a position.
Sell - the market price provides room for a decline of more than 15% in relation to the defined target price.
As market volatility increases over the short-term, the investment recommendation does not have to change immediately once the percentages reach these limits.
List of recommendations
Company | Ticker | Current price | Currency | Target price | Recommendation | Date recommended | Last target price | Previous recommendations | Market |
COLTCZ | BAACZGCE | 714,00 | CZK | 791,00 | Akumulovat | 14.2.2025 | 698,00 | Akumulovat | CZ |
ČEZ, A.S. | BAACEZ | 1 013,00 | CZK | 834,00 | Držet | 19.3.2024 | 951,00 | Držet | CZ |
ERSTE GROUP BANK AG | BAAERBAG | 1 693,00 | CZK | 1 363,00 | Akumulovat | 13.9.2024 | 0,00 | V revizi | CZ |
KARO LEATHER | BAAKARIN | 150,00 | CZK | 184,00 | Akumulovat | 24.1.2025 | 0,00 | V revizi | CZ |
KOFOLA ČS | BABKOFOL | 452,00 | CZK | 410,00 | Držet | 16.1.2025 | 410,00 | Koupit | CZ |
KOMERČNÍ BANKA | BAAKOMB | 1 041,00 | CZK | 927,00 | Akumulovat | 19.3.2024 | 0,00 | V revizi | CZ |
MONETA MONEY BANK | BAAGECBA | 141,00 | CZK | 129,00 | Redukovat | 22.1.2025 | 104,00 | Akumulovat | CZ |
Stocklist reports
Vydáváme novou analýzu na akcie Moneta Money Bank s cílovou cenou 129 Kč a doporučením „Redukovat“
22.01.2025 17:27, BAAGECBA
Investiční doporučení: Vydáváme novou cílovou cenu na akcie Moneta Money Bank na 129 Kč za akcii s doporučením „Redukovat“.
Statistika investičních doporučení
20.01.2025 16:35
Snižujeme doporučení na akcie Kofoly z „koupit“ na „držet“, cílovou cenu potvrzujeme na 410 Kč
16.01.2025 11:06, BABKOFOL
Kofola: Pivovary CZ loni zaznamenaly cca 10% růst tržeb a zhruba 7% růst objemů
13.01.2025 11:23, BABKOFOL